A Prophetic Note to The Church In The United Kingdom, Ireland, & The Isles
From 31st January to 2nd February 2024, a group of Leaders, Intercessors and Believers fasted over three days at King's Park Conference Centre in Northampton. There had been two previous three day fasts in February and April 2023. They were praying and ministering to the Lord in accordance with Acts 13:2. The Holy Spirit spoke, and a clarion Call went out to the whole church in the Land:
A Call for the Church to return to the Altar of Prayer
This is the season for intimacy with God and His Word. The Lord wants His Church back! Every denomination, network, local church, or group of Believers need to submit to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
A Call To Repentance and Holiness
During the first day of the Fast, the whole congregation were on their knees, some in deep prayer, while others wept through the Spirit of Prayer. This was not contrived, and everyone present knew that the Presence of God was in the room. There was a clear call for the Church to repent and come back to the Lord.
A Call to Fasting
Many testified about a renewed zeal and energy to fast and pray.
Some were healed of all kinds of ailments and physical issues. The grace to abstain was strong on the whole congregation. The Lord is calling His Church to rediscover the old devotional disciplines that forged the foundations of Christianity in these Lands.
A Call To Prevailing Prayer!
During the three days, the congregation spent two nights praying from midnight to dawn. People took up watches and prayed during their part of the watch for one hour or more. Some stayed up all night in prayer. Hundreds joined online to pray over the two nights across the Isles. From Ireland, Scotland, Wales and across England; they logged on and prayed.
We strongly believe that as Acts 3:19 says; “these are seasons for repenting and turning back to God so that times of refreshing may come upon the Church and the Land from the Presence of the Lord” We urge Christians and Leaders everywhere to repent and turn to God in earnest so that the Church may be truly revived, and we may see a surge in multitudes coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
7 Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem, and a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith Acts 6:7